Vision of Community


The Vision

In these early stages of launching and building a numbers and math community it’s impossible to imagine how things will progress and what form the project will ultimately take down the road. We hope that it’s a vibrant place where members come to engage and hang out with others that they know, and receive meaningful value from those they surround themselves with ultimately providing insights and feedback that help the community succeed. However, hope is not a strategy. There are ways to ensure that a beautiful vision can become a reality and that’s with the help of seeding a visionary community roadmap!  

With a vision of a roadmap, you can start to see possible milestones along the way and begin planning each step to make strides in reaching the goals and objectives.  Below you will find a three phased approach to take Math For Numbers from it’s infancy to it’s natural evolutionary mathematical conclusion.  These steps are not the only way – they are just a fleeting glimpse of one of an endless possible ways to get there.

Phase 1:

While Math for Numbers can be used any way the community wants it might want to consider the following visionary roadmap take this concept from launch to fullfil it’s ultimate longterm outcome.  The natural starting point would be to build out the basic mathematic operations and a means to extract specific numbers out of the current number data set.  With basic operations and numbers available an equations engine could be built to start to form mathematic expressions that would hold value far greater than the individual inputs.


Core Math

The Basics

The basic operations of math must be built out to allow numbers to interact with one another with Math operators. This interaction between numbers will result in natural mutations of the original numbers in ways not possible before math was applied.


Number Extractor

Get Access to your Numbers

In order to build equations, random number data sets will be required to be separated into their individual components being represented by their own specific numbers.


Pulling Them Together

Once Core Math and Number Extractors are completed an intuitive equation builder should be created to allow for Core Math functions to be combined together to form expressions and/or new numbers.

Phase 2:

With equations fully functioning an additional layer of complex evaluation engines could be next.  By having the ability to manipulate numbers and equations the evaluator engine would be able to interpret conditional logic.  With all of these building blocks complete the community will have all the necessary math infrastructure to build any type of mathematical platforms they see fit.  It is at this point that Math for Numbers will have it’s secondary offering to release more advanced mathematic concepts to be built into the underlying layers of the ecosystem. 



The Basics

Use Math Comparisons the underlying math engine will be able to evaluate equations and expressions in order to compare their output to calculated values or even other expressions


Community Building

Get Access to your Numbers

With all major core community built functionality completed users can start to own and build mathematical logic on chain. Equations and their respective evaluations will allow a new era of on chain numerical expressiveness.



Pulling Them Together

Math for Numbers will establish, create and sell higher level math functions for more complex forms of mathematics. The inclusion of these more advanced forms of math will allow the math community to continue to explore the depths of on chain mathematics.

Phase 3:

With a vibrant mathematics ecosystem for numbers established with both Basic and Advanced Math being used by community built engines the next step in the evolution of math would be to combined the communities mathematics and numbers into more powerful pools.  My concentrating the communities collective intellectual and harnessing thier raw numbers and mathematics will bring a new dawn for all mankind and most likely artificial intelligence too. 


Math Pools

The Basics

The community will eventually realize that individual's numbers and math are not being used to their highest manifestation. Math Pools will be established for all to pool their respective number and math assets. Together these numbers and math will be able to form ever more complicated mathematical expressions and computations.


Meaning of Life

Get Access to your Numbers

It has long been said that mathematics will eventually be able to determine the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

By pooling resources and through consistent iterative work the community will be able to expand on chain mathematics built by artificial intelligence to express math in it's ultimate form.

Games of Skill

Pulling Them Together

With nothing more to gain from further mathematical ingenuity the lowest common denominator will ultimately come forth. Games of Skill will use Oracles to generate random numbers which community members will match by building equations and transform their random numbers into the randomly selected winning number. The first to build and match wins prizes collected by the system.



"The laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of God."

Marston Morse


"Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part."

Galileo Galilei


"If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics."

Snoop Dogg


"If you stop at general math, then you will only make general money."

Join us today as part of the math community

Whether you choose to participate in the minting process or not… feel free to become part of the Math for Numbers community.