Math For Numbers
Minting Process

On the 8th day... he created Math.

The minting process will begin September 12, 2021, on the 8th day and the 8th hour after the great random number awakening.  For those of you who might not fully appreciate this acknowledgement, this is our way to honor the great maker of the 8888 items of 8 random numbers.  They manifested through the blockchain and have since change the numbers world as we know it.

While we look up to the great maker and the original disciples we had concerns that common NFT enthusiasts were left out of the movement without the necessary knowledge and skills to manually interact with the one true source of truth – the smart contract.  This is by no means a criticism but it is our belief that many more will come to believe if we give them the easy access they deserve.  It is with that in mind that we have decided to mint our Math For Numbers collection directly on Open Sea to eliminate the need to authorize and claim through calling out to the mystical smart contract.

In the beginning phases of the minting process we will release both nearly free assets along with regularly priced ones to make sure math is distributed openly and fairly.  Once the community has a chance to claim these early items we will release the full collection for all those that want to embrace math!  We will continue to mint nearly free assets for most items in the collection to ensure no one is left out.

How To Get Started:

Step #1:

Visit OpeanSea

Go review our Math for Numbers collection on the OpenSea Platform

Step #2:

Browse Math for Numbers Collection

Browse all of the Math for Numbers NFTs available and pick your favorite ones.

Step #3:

Get Involved & Build

Join the community and start using random numbers and Math for Numbers in any way you want.

Limit Quantities Available

The minting event for Basic Math will be a limited series event.  Since there are a limited number of block chain numbers available we felt that it only made sense that Math for Numbers should also be limited.  Some of the basic operators have higher limits to ensure that Basic Math can flourish amongst math enthusiasts around the world.  


Below is an outline of the quantity of the limit series that will be able to be produced: 

Basic OperatorsAddition
999 each0.05
Advanced OperatorsExponenation
Square Root
Cube Root
333 each0.05
258 each0.05
Equivalence / InequalityEquals
Not Equals
Greater Than
Less Than
Greater Than or Equals
Less Than or Equals
498 each0.05
Math Helpers & FunctionsAbsolute Value
Order of Operation
396 each0.05
ConstantsSpeed of Light
Euler's Number
Negative One
249 each0.05
Symbols of SignificanceInfinity
Imaginary Unit
Golden Ratio
42 each0.42+

If you look closely at the numbers you will notice a mathematical pattern which ensures each random number holder a specific number of Math for Number items.

Distribution Breakdown

A closer look at item rarity amongst collection

This pie chart shows the total count of the Math for Numbers collection items quantity in relationship to one another. As you would expect the Basic Operators are more plentiful than the other items. It was essential to make sure that Math for Numbers was accessible to common NFT enthusiasts and gave them the basic building blocks to create simple mathematics.

You will note that Symbols of Significance are exceedingly rare in the Math for Numbers collection. These symbols hold both maximum prestige and mathematical elegance in a single asset.

Join us today as part of the math community

Whether you choose to participate in the minting process or not… feel free to become part of the Math for Numbers community.